Category Archives: How To Outsource

A Critical Tip to Make an Outsourcing Project Successful

Understanding what you want to accomplish is critical to a successful outsourcing venture. Although there are many who claim to offer offshoring procurement services, the fact remains that only the business contemplating outsourcing can determine the what, who and when of any offshore service project. To this end, a business needs to understand the WHAT of any outsourcing project. The what of course, is what will be outsourced. It’s not enough to simply state we’re gong to outsource IT technology services, or Human Resources, or any other […]

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Outsourcing – Get Your Work Done at a Lower Cost

The globalization phenomenon of the 90s brought about two significant changes, which were looked quite an unrealistic proportion just few years before the dawn of the 90s. The internet revolution, the ultimate thing that helped globalize the world, caused physical distances to shrink and economies became more and more interrelated, in a way such that an economic change at some part of the world bound to have some sort of an influence in other economies as well. Globalization virtually expanded the contours within which businesses functioned earlier […]

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Outsourcing The Building Of Websites To Low Wage Countries

Outsourcing is the delegation of tasks or jobs from internal production to an external entity. At present standards, it has become more related to hiring the services of staff overseas where salaries are markedly low as compared to the local existing standards. It is primarily done by companies to save money, improve quality or free company resources for more important activities. Low-cost countries such as China, India and Venezuela continue to attract companies to move things offshore and outside their own boundaries. However, outsourcing should not only […]

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