Category Archives: Outsourcing FAQ

IT Outsourcing

Software companies are required to produce lots of software products for their clients. These software products being used for giant organizations such as airlines, banks, financial institutions, big corporate houses and various government bodies, where lots of data being stored and updated every day. IT (Information Technology) software companies in US, Canada and Europe who are taking up these projects require massive investment in infrastructure as well as huge manpower to work on them. This is competitive world and every industry wants to be very competitive in […]

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Where Are The Facts About Outsourcing

Outsourcing of jobs to offshore companies has been a hot-button issue since the 1960s when the United States began losing automotive manufacturing jobs to Japan. In recent years, the outsourcing of technical jobs has revived the debate which became one of the top issues in the 2004 presidential campaign. However, actual facts and statistics about the effect of outsourcing on the American economy are hard to come by. Rhetoric, not facts, dominate the discussion of whether outsourcing has an effect on the economy. There is a serious […]

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Software Outsourcing Company

Instead of wasting extra money on your in-house employees it is better to outsource it at low cost. It will help you to minimize your budget and maximize profit. Outsourcing is the best way to cut the cost and get quality service so that you can concentrate on expanding your core business. That is why most Software development companies outsource their work. There are many types of works, which can be outsourced like Software customization, application development, project management, web design and development, ecommerce solutions, SAP Business […]

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